Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 3...............7-16-11

Day 3

WEIGH-IN: 223.6

Good Morning....well Afternoon actually :)

Yesterday I had changed my caloric intake to 1,800 calories, but I found that it seemed to be too much for me. I had to make myself eat just to consume the calories I needed, therefore I'm going to try a 1,700 caloric intake.....trial and error I guess you can say!!!

My alarm went off at 8:00 this morning and at first I was not willing to get out of bed! The sound was driving me bonkers! I can't reach my alarm clock from my bed, so I had to get up. Once I was up I began to get more motivated. I didn't have as much time to plan for breakfast as I would have liked, but I grabbed a yogurt and banana for the car ride to pick up Emily. After dropping her off to her dad I went to the gym for a shorter workout. My body, my back especially, is pretty sore. I'm going to be heading to the campground for the day and will plan and pack my food before I go. I plan to go for a walk with my family and go swimming with my nephew. Maybe we will even et in a little basketball :)

Tonight will be another challenging time for me! Some friends and I are going out to a bar/dance club. Right now my train of thought is....oohhh dancing = exercise!!! I totally love making a fool of myself and friends, so that part will be easy! The hard part will be the fact that I will probably be the ONLY person there drinking bottled...water! It's OK though! I know that it will all be worth it in the end! If I feel like at any point I can't handle it I will say goodnight to my friends and head home to bed :) They will all completely understand! OK I will keep you posted....


I had a great time again last night with a few friends! I stuck to my promise once again and did not drink....infact I think I was the only one at the bar who drank 3 bottles of water in an hour LOL. I don't regret it though. What am I missing out on? A hangover? I can be just as happy and enjoy myself without alcohol and I proved that the last two nights. My friends and I went to Fat Cats in Springfield and relaxed outside most of the time. I'm looking forward to doing it again sometime soon :)

My Workout - in order of completion:
*elliptical x 10 mins @ 1.5 miles
*abdominal crunches (various) x 200
*Adjustable pulley varied movements x 30 @ 10 lbs
*Low Row x 40 @ 55 lbs
*Cross/Long bar x30 @55 lbs
*Rope/upper back of arms x 30 @ 20 lbs
*Went swimming with my nephew
*Played basketball
*went dancing

My Food Consumption - 1700 Calories
*Yogurt    180 Cal
*Banana    105 Cal
*1 apple    90 cal
*3 cups romaine lettuce 15 Cal
*2 tbsp red pepper 6 Cal
*1/4 cup celery 5 Cal
*1/2 cup grilled chicken 90 Cal
*2 tbsp. bacon dressing 110 Cal
*1 cheese stick    50 Cal
*1 plum    30 Cal
*1 cup broccoli    30 Cal
*1 turkey patty 270 Cal
*1 tbsp Ketchup 10 Cal
*1/2 cup cottage cheese 90 Cal
*Side salad 10 Cal
*1 tbsp honey mustard 55 Cal
*1 deli flat - wheat 100 Cal
*1 cup summer squash    27 Cal
*1 oz whole grain crackers    140 Cal
*1 Yogurt    190 Cal
*1 Peach    40 Cal           
TOTAL:   1,653 

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