Thursday, August 25, 2011


213.2 - 211.4 =1.8

Total Weight Loss
227.2 - 211.4= 15.8 lbs (since 7/14/11)
254.0 - 211.4 = 42.6 lbs (since 11/01/10)
DAY 1                                       TODAY
waist - 48 in                           waist - 44.0 in
hips - 52 in                             hips - 49.0 in
chest - 49.5 in                        chest - 45 in
thigh - 26 in                           thigh - 25.0 in
L arm - 15.5 in                       L arm - 14.5 in

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day 35...............8-17-11

Day 35

Although I don't blog as much as I did in the beginning rest-assure, I am working just as hard if not harder then ever! As you may have noticed by my results, I continue to drop the weight and I feel a lot more healthy!

Lets catch up....For the most part the week has been pretty typical, but there are a few things I feel I need to "let out" I guess. Part of this journey I'm on is not only about loosing weight and becoming healthy on the outside, but also changing some things about me on the inside. By doing that, I have began to force myself to do my best to express how I am feeling, especially if something is bothering me. Although, it hasn't been easy for me because I'm afraid...the results haven't been too bad and it def. helps me.

This Sunday, at a family cookout I was completely ignored by an aunt. I know that her and my mom have not always had the best relationship and lately doesn't seem to be a relationship at all, but to completely ignore your neice when she says "Bye Aunty" is uncalled for and hurtful. I don't believe that I have done anything to her. Although, it upset me I knew that I was an adult and did the right thing by saying good-bye to her.

Also, an even bigger and more important issue that really stabs me in the heart is constantly getting the cold-shoulder from my sister-in-law who absolutely hates me! I know that I've done things in my past that have made my family very disapointed, but I'm NOT that person anymore! In fact, I've strived so hard to never, ever be that person again! I've come a long way in the last two years and feel like Emily and I are in a great place in our lives and it is only getting better. She holds my past against me and there for does not like me. Last Sunday, when she completely ignored me and was rude, that was the last straw. I was in tears when I left the cookout. She talks to everyone else and says good-bye to everyone and bluntly doesn't give two shits about me. It would be nice of her to atleast pretend she may care about my feelings, or atleast say good-bye to me. I felt like I couldn't hold it in any longer, it has been tearing me up inside. My relationship with my brother is already rough, so dealing with her on top of it is just another stab in the heart. I text me brother and first thanked him for the compliment he gave me about looking great. Then I explained to him how much I've changed and I wanted both him and my sister-in-law to see that. From what I gathered from the conversation my sister-in-law is done, there is no fixing our relationship. So, I said I needed to move on and focus on my relationship with my brother because that is more important to me. I know that what I have done in my past and the choices I made have screwed up the relationship we had, and God knows if I could take it back I would in a heartbeat, but I can't! It eats away at me everyday.....All I can continue to do now is do what I am doing. I am proud of myself for getting to where I am today. I hated the person I was before, but I felt so alone and made poor choices to cope with it. I hope my brother can atleast understand where I am coming from and know that I am trying my best now because I am a stronger person. It hurts so much that I don;t have the relationship I did with him before. I think about my mom and how she doesn't talk to any of her siblings, I can't let that happen! My brother said he is starting to notice the changing I've made and encouraged me to continue, which I know I am!

I put a quote up on Facebook the other night that I will continue to live by...."I can't change others, I can only continue to make my own positive changes." ~Me

So, even though the relationship with my brother isn't near where I want it to be, I feel better that I have atleast expressed how I felt. It will be up to him as to how he uses that information. The last thing I want to do is cause any harm in his marriage simply because I would like to have a relationship with him. I can't make him change, I can only express how I am feeling. I am going to continue to work on my relationship with him....I will never stop trying. I don't see him often and he bases his judgements on what he hears from others, rather then from me. I want him to be able to talk to me, and ask me what is going on. I know he has tried before (2 years ago) and I snapped at him, but I'm NOT THAT person anymore and THAT'S what I need to show him. I would love more then anything to have him and his family over to my place for dinner, so they can see how well I'm doing.....maybe one day, but as I see it now I can't hold my breath for it.

With aaaalllllll that said, through it all......I am happy to say.....I did NOT use food to comfort me!!! I spoke my feelings and used my support system to my advantage! I want to thank all of you who have continued to encourage me through-out this process, it means more then you will ever know!

I also want to thank my sister, her encouragement and weightloss success has been such an inspiration to me. I love my sister so much, and am so proud of her! I've always looked up to her and I see just how strong she really is! I think this journey for both of us is slowly making us closer and I try to embrace that as much as possible! I love you Sis! I know I messed up.....I know! Like I said I can't take it back, but I'm truly doing my best now to be the best person I can be for both Emily and I. I hope you know that? I hope someone sees it......all I can do is do it for myself....I can see it! I'm starting to actually love myself as a's been a very very long time since I've felt this way. I probably haven't loved myself since 2002 right before meeting Larry. I'm just beginning to feel that way and know that it will come in time.....

Thanks Again everyone :)


215.6 - 213.2 =2.4 lbs

Total Weight Loss
227.2 - 213.2= 14 lbs (since 7/14/11)
254.0 - 213.2 = 40.8 lbs (since 11/01/10)
DAY 1                                       TODAY
waist - 48 in                            waist - 45.0 in
hips - 52 in                              hips - 49.0 in
chest - 49.5 in                         chest - 46.5 in
thigh - 26 in                            thigh - 25.0 in
L arm - 15.5 in                        L arm - 15.0 in

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 28...............8-10-11

Day 28

Well I haven't been on much due to being so busy! School has now taken up a good chunk of my life, and it's only just begun! It's OK though - I know it won't be forever.

So, as you may have noticed I have been doing well for myself. I've just made it through my first month on my journey to a healthier life and have lost almost 12 lbs in a month. Although I've have moments that I am extremely proud of myself, overall I'm still not there yet. I know that I could have done better. My main goal I would like to work on this month is go create a set exercising schedule. I was going very well in the beginning, but recently having been doing so much. I was doing pretty well up until about a week ago. I started slowing down with my workouts and last Sunday everything came to a hault. I was coming out of my parents camper and as I stepped onto the deck (with flip-flops) I slipped and almost fell. Although I was able to catch myself, I twisted my back. Because of the pain factor I hadn't exercised for a few days. Yesterday Emily and I went for a walk that was about 1.5 miles and we also played the wii for a bit. I know my back will be a constant issue for me, so I need to find a way to work around that. My back hurts whether I work out or not, so I don't want to start using it as an excuse.

I have done very well as far as my eating goes. I'm beginning to learn how to listen to what my body is telling me. It's a process I'm still working on and will continue working on, but has definately gotten better. I think out of the 28 days I've been doing this I know of only 1 day that I maybe ate more than I should have even though it wasn't anything too unhealthy. It was more about portion control or lack there of!

I know that my weightloss will start to slow down, so I want to try to create ways to trick my body each week into thinking I'm starting a new "diet" I'm not quite sure how to do that. It may just be a matter of changing my workout routine. Any suggestions would be helpful. OK, off to workout with Jillian from Biggest Loser for the Wii :)


216.8 - 215.6 = 1.2 lbs

Total Weight Loss
227.2 - 215.6= 11.6 lbs (since 7/14/11)
254.0 - 216.8 = 38.4 lbs (since 11/01/10)
DAY 1                         TODAY
waist - 48 in              waist - 45.5 in
hips - 52 in                hips - 49.5 in
chest - 49.5 in           chest - 46.5 in
thigh - 26 in              thigh - 25.5 in
L arm - 15.5 in          L arm - 15.0 in

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


220.0 - 216.8 = 3.2 lbs

Total Weight Loss
227.2 - 216.8 = 10.4 lbs (since 7/14/11)
254.0 - 216.8 = 37.2 lbs (since 11/01/10)
DAY 1                         TODAY
waist - 48 in             waist - 45.5 in
hips - 52 in               hips - 49.5 in
chest - 49.5 in          chest - 46.5 in
thigh - 26 in             thigh - 25.5 in
L arm - 15.5 in         L arm - 15.0 in

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Letter to Myself..........8-2-11

I got this creative idea from another weightloss post I have read that has inspired me. I'm going to take a few moments to be selfish and write a letter to myself. I think it will help me through my journey as I go along. I can look at it when I'm having a tough time. Here goes.....

Dear Kim,

Now is not the time to give up! You have not come this far to give up now - keep your head held high, because you ARE a strong woman dispite how you may feel right now! You have so much you want to accomplish, and what happened to those goals you have had for so long? Are you gonna let those goals just fly out the window sinply because you it a road block? You are on your way towards a great future! How many years have you spent treating your body as though it was a garbage disposal - is that what you want to go back to? If I know you as well as I think I do that answer is absolutely not! You are a stronger woman then you give yourself credit for - I know that you are not one to express how you are feeling, but now is the time to start. Think of it as part of your journey, your road to success! It's not just you anymore, think about Emily. She deserves this too. She loves you unconditionaly and wants the best for you. You are a wonderful mother who would give the world to your child if you could, why not feel the same about yourself? You have to love yourself before loving anyone else. Remember Emily's birthday party? Remember how strong you were?!?! You watched everyone else eat chips and dip, doritos, chips and salsa, cheese balls, crackers, cheeseburgers, potato salad, beans, cupcakes, and ice cream. What did you do? You planned ahead and brought healthy alternatives like a turkey burger and whole wheat bread. You ate a salad and stuck to snacking on vegatables. You didn't even think twice about trying to eat a cupcake. DO you realize just how amazing that is for a woman like you who was completely addicted to food more then anyone will ever know? If you don't I'm going to tell you now and read it over and over if you need to! YOU ARE AN AMAZING WOMAN!!!!! If you can't see that then let me try a different approach. What are the benefits to this amazing lifestyle change you are embarking on? Well first and foremost, you are extending your life. I know you want more than anything to see your daughter get married and create her own family and I know she wants you there too. Not only does Emily want you, she needs you Kim! If that isn't enough for you here is another benefit - living a life without diabetes. As you already know diabetes runs in your family. You've seen people struggle with diabetes before, is that what you want for yourself? I don't think so. Yet another benefit - CONFIDENCE....I know that has been a struggle for you most of your life. If I know you well enough, just seeing the word confidence will put that determination and drive right back into you. I could go on and on about the benefits living a healthy lifestyle will give you, but I'm going to leave you with one last thing. You are a woman who genuinely cares for others by nature, and one who struggles to often care for yourself, doing this for yourself think of the men and women you could inspire. There are people out there who struggle just like you do. How happy would it make you just to change even one persons life - not even changing, but maybe saving!!!! Isn't that something you have always inspired to do - help others?!?! You are accomplishing your goals right now, you can do this! I promise you that in the end, although it may be painful both physically and emotionally, you WILL come out on top. Think back to June of 2003, weighing it at 160, you felt on top of the world! Bring yourself back to that place. Close your eyes and remember how that felt......AMAZING right? You CAN get there! Remember, I love you and always will love you. YOU ARE AN AMAZING, SPECTACULAR, CREATIVE, and SPECIAL woman who deserves the best!

Love Always and Forever,
Kim <3

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 18...............7-31-11

Day 18

Good evening everyone. So, it's been some time now since I have blogged, but here I am! I am happy to say that even though I have not had a chance to blog for a bit, I have not lost site of my fact, I'm so completely proud of myself! This past week has been  little crazy!

It was my first week of school which went fairly well. I was a little stressed out about the amount of work I need to do, but I took a deep breath and instead of turning to food, I made a plan! I created a color coded chart of how to spend my time and how much time I have to complete school work and still have time with Emily. A few months ago I never would have been able to do that. I would have sat on my couch upset and have ate a half gallon of ice cream.

Tuesday was another rough night. As most of you know we had a very bad storm in Ludlow. I thank God no one was hurt and my family is safe. I took all the necessary precautions and made it through. I was extremely scared for my daughter because she was at a campground in Monson. They evacuated the campground and had everyone in the cellar of an old farmhouse. Once I talked to her and knew she was OK, I felt better! I was late for my first night of class, but no one was marked late because of the weather.

Wednesday and Thursday were pretty good. The nights I went to school I packed a dinner and snack for myself so I wouldn't be tempted to get anything from the vending machine.

Saturday night I hung out with Kristen and Andre. They had been away for a week at the beach and I had missed them! :) I went to their house and finished watching a Lifetime movie with them and then went to the bar with them. I can say that I did not drink at all! I have not even had the temptation to drink. The feeling of satisfaction to a commitment I made is a greater feeling then drinking too much and feeling silly. I can still have a good time without drinking.

So, I'm starting to notice that my weightloss is slowing down now that my body has adjusted to my new lifestyle change, but I'm accepting of that now that after doing some research know that a healthy weightloss is 1-2 lbs per week. It officially weigh in on Wednesday, but have gotten on the scale. I'm not going to reveal my weight, but I will say that I accomplished my goal of not being 220-something anymore!!!! I'm in the teens! My next goal is to get below 200!

As far as my week emotionally, it hasn't been too bad. I've felt like I could cry on the drop of a dime a few times, but not because I was sad. I guess more because I can't believe my accomplishments. Even though it makes me feel so good to hear people say that I look great, it's still not an easy thing for me to hear. I have these feelings an emotions that I can't quite understand sometimes. That's the one thing I want to try to work in the next few weeks. Figuring out what emotions I'm having at any given time and try to understand why I'm feeling the way I am. Once I get through that my nest challenge will be to figure out how to process those emotions.

When I was hanging out with Kristen and Andre Sat night they told me Kristens mom had some pics from out graduation in 2009 and they were saying how different I looked. I didn't believe them or think that I could look THAT different.....when I got home I looked through my files on my computer and found the graduation pictures. WOW!!! I do look different. My face isn't as.....round! I made a side-by-side comparison which is below....check it out!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


222.6 - 220.0 = 2.6 lbs

Total Weight Loss
227.2 - 220.0 = 7.2 lbs

DAY 1                              TODAY
waist - 48 in                   waist - 46.5 in
hips - 52 in                     hips - 50 in
chest - 49.5 in                chest - 47.5 in
thigh - 26 in                   thigh - 25.5 in
L arm - 15.5 in               L arm - 15.25 in

Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 12...............7-25-11

Day 12


Today couldn't have been any better! It was a great day! It was my daughter's birthday so I made her some breakfast this morning. Of course she wanted to know why I was giving her a "healthy" breakfast, which consisted of scrambled egg whites and turkey bacon. I told her to just try it...she loved it!

After breaskfast we went shopping at the mall. She was so excited. Seeing her like that just makes me so happy and it's moments like that that make me so happy to be a mom, her mom! She had some gift cards and money that she used. She was most excited about her "Build-a-Bear" or Build-a-Bunny, that she made.

I told her I would treat her to lunch at the mall, so I knew I had to think about the choices I had. Thankfully she loves subway! I was very happy with my choices and my sub was delicious! I had a 6" oven roasted chicken breast on a wheat roll. I had NO mayo and NO cheese. I decided to have a tad-bit of fat free honey mustard, which was a great choice! I also had lettuce, tomato, and pickles....YUMMY!

Tonight was my first night of school and it went pretty well. I knew dinner was going to be served there. Not knowing what my choices would be, I decided to pack a few snacks to hold me over in case. I ended up having some salad with fat free italian dressing and small amount of pork. I ate a yogurt that I brought with me as well.

I ended up getting out of the orientation early then expected, so I decided to get dressed and head to the gym where I spent an hour and a half of my time. I then came home and made myself a strawberry smoothie with strawberries, a little strawberry greek yogurt, and some ice.....delicious!

All in all I feel like I had a great day and wish that I could feel this great everyday, but I know that all good things must come to an end...hehe! I have already planned to get up tomorrow morning and go to the gym with my friend Deb since she wasn't free tonight. I can't wait :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 11...............7-24-11

Day 11

I haven't blogged in a few days, but am still doing well with my weightloss! Friday I was running around getting things ready for Emily's birthday party. Saturday I was up early to get some last minute things for the birthday party, and then Emily and I were off to camp to celebrate. The party was very successful, and I was proud of myself! Although I know I didn't eat as much as I should have Saturday, I did NOT eat any junk food, cake, or ice cream! It was hard, but not as hard as I thought it would be. I was so busy making sure everyone had what they needed and made sure my daughter was all set that I really didn't have too much free time to think about it. I also chose to eat a turkey burger with a wheat flat rather then a hamburger with a roll.

Today, I was in rough shape. My back was really bothering me because I did a little too much yesterday and am paying for it now! I did some cleaning today and made myself a good breakfast. Again today I didn't eat as much as I should have and that is going to be my goal for the week. It's going to be hard because I'm starting school Monday and will have to figure out a routine to make sure I get in the food that I need. I will let you know how it goes....

I won't be blogging my food consumption anymore unless I have questions or concerns about it. I do write it down daily though.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 8...............7-21-11

Day 8
This morning was pretty good. I went to breakfast with my friend Kristen. I made good food choices and felt like I didn't over-eat which I was very happy about.

Once I got home I was just a complete miserable blob! I didn't feel like doing anything! All I wanted to do was sit on the couch, which I pretty much did! I feel like this is already getting old. I don't know what to do. Part of my problem is that I have all these different types of emotions and I don't know what they are or why I have them. It's completely frustrating! I haven't resorted to food, but feel like I'm fighting with the devil. This whole thing just makes me completely angry with myself. I'm just miserable! I feel like I had lead people on to believe that I am a strong person, but I'm really not. I have just become very good at hiding my feelings. I've pretty much done it all my life. I can be strong for everyone else, but when it comes to myself I just breakdown.

My Food Consumption - 1700 Calories
*1 1/2 egg beaters    120 Cal
*mushrooms, peppers, onions, tomatoes    60 Cal
*Cheese    100 Cal
*2 bacon slices    140 Cal
*1 peach 40 Cal
*1 cup canteloupe    60 Cal
*1/4 cup almonds    170 Cal
*5 oz pork    293 Cal
*1 cup broccoli    54 Cal
*salad    20 Cal
*2 tbsp bacon dressing    110 Cal
*Special K bar    90 Cal
*5 tbsp. cool whip & cone    75 Cal
*20 Chip-ins    120 Cal
*1 plum    30 Cal                           
TOTAL:               1,482

Wednesday, July 20, 2011



227.2 - 222.6 =  4.6

*From now on I will be posting my weight once a week - on Wednesday's. I will take measurements next Wednesday and post them.

Day 7...............7-20-11

Day 7

WEIGH-IN: 222.6

Today was a pretty busy day! Emily and I started off our morning cleaning her playroom. Then my nephew arrived followed by Emily friend Nicole. We left my house around 11:30 and set off to Sunsetview Campground. When we got there we ate lunch. I packed my lunch because I wasn't sure what my mom had for food choices.

After lunch I took the kids swimming for a while. They had a great time while I soaked up some sun! I wasn't in the mood to swim, but I did sit by the pool and soak my feet.

We left around 3:30 and I dropped Emily off at Nicole's house, so they could play some more and I got a chance to hit the gym for about an hour and a half. I had some time left before picking up Emily, so I cleaned and vacuumed my car.

Tonight has seemed to be another tough night for me. I'm tired once again and didn't really feel like making myself anything for dinner. I resorted to cottage cheese and tomatoes. I picked at a few other things after that too.....I keep having the feeling that I want to just pick at things. I am restraining myself from going near the kitchen again.

I'm hoping that I will get a better night sleep tonight. I had a lot of trouble falling asleep last night. My body was extremely tired, yet my mind was racing! Tomorrow will be the end of the first week of my "lifestyle change" I'm very happy with how successful I've been....

Exercise Routine
*Treadmill 30 mins 1.65 miles
*Abdominal crunches x 200 various
*low row x 30 @ 70 lbs
*also used a few different arm machines but
 didn't track it. I did 3 reps each
My Food Consumption - 1700 Calories
*Special K bar    90 Cal
*3/4 cup cereal    120 Cal
*1/2 cup milk    45 Cal
*Salad    30 Cal
*2 tbsp bacon dressing    110 Cal
*1/2 cup chicken    90 Cal
*20 Chip-ins    120 Cal
*1 cheese triangle    30 Cal
*1 peach    40 Cal
*4 strawberries    12 Cal
*Special K bar    90 Cal
*16 oz gatorade    100 Cal
*1 cup cottage cheese    80 Cal
*1/2 tomato    7 Cal
*20 Chip-ins    120 Cal
*1 cup broccoli    54 Cal
*2 tbsp bacon dressing    110 Cal
*1 cup canteloupe    60 Cal
*16 oz Gatorade    100 Cal
*1 cone    15 Cal
*6 tbsp lite cool whip    60 Cal
TOTAL:        1,483

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 6...............7-19-11

Day 6

WEIGH-IN: 223.2

When I weighed in this morning, I was disapointed....somehow I gained .6 lbs. I wanted to give up, but I didn't! At that moment I felt like why work as hard as I have to gain weight? I was very frustrated, but then I became rational and realized it's only .6!!!!! We will see what tomorrows weigh-in will bring....

Emily and I went hiking today. I was so proud of the both of us! Never in a million years did I think I could climb to the top of the mountain. There were definately some parts of the hike that were more of a struggle than others, but all in all we did great! According to the map we were about 900 feet from the bottom. The sense of accomplishment I felt was great--and although my back would not allow me to do that on a daily basis--I can't wait to do it again some time soon! I told Emily we can try a different trail next time :)

After we got home we both showered and took a nap. I set my alarm for 5:30, but struggled to get out of bed. I'm not sure if my body is still tired or if I'm dealing with some depression right now. Sometimes it comes and goes and I'm never sure why. I'm going to do my best to fight through it. Emily and I will be going to Walmart shortly to pick out some things for her birthday party on Saturday. I also have to find a way to get her to try a few different bikes out. She doesn't know it, but I am getting her a bike for her birthday! I have decided to buy cupcakes for her birthday because making them would just be too hard for me at this point in my journey. I'd probably eat half the batter.

After we get home from Walmart Emily and I will just be relaxing. We may play a little Wii - Just Dance - depending how my body is treating me. If anything changes or I come upon a challenging moment I will blog it, if not hope you had a great day!

Tonight is the first night that I am struggling. I want to go to the kitchen and pig out. If I so much as go near the kitchen right now it may happen. I am trying to avoid it at all costs because I know the outcome will not do me any good. It may make me feel better at this very moment, but tomorrow I will be so mad at myself and want to give up. I feel like it would be so much easier to give up. Tonight I feel like I want to quit this battle. It's bigger than me - I need help because I can't do it myself. I hate the person I've can anyone like me when I can't even like myself??? HELP!

My Food Consumption - 1500 Calories
*1 cup egg whites    66 Cal
*3 tbsp red pepper & onion    30 Cal
*1/2 tomato    22 Cal
*1/4 almonds    170 Cal
*strawberry yogurt 140 Cal
*1 peach    40 Cal
*15 chip-ins    100 Cal
*Special K bar    90 Cal
*4 strawberries    12 Cal
*1/2 tomato    22 Cal
*1 cup canteloupe    60 Cal
*1 whole wheat tortilla 71 Cal
*1/4 cup mozz cheese 80 Cal
*1 oz chicken 30 Cal
*1/4 cup onions 23 Cal
*1/4 cup red pepper 23 Cal
*1/8 cup mushrooms    6 Cal
*Special K bar    90 Cal
*16 oz Gatorade    40 Cal
*1/4 cup almonds 170 Cal
*1 cone 15 Cal
*5 tbsp lite cool whip 50 Cal
*4 strawberries 18 Cal
TOTAL: 1,368  

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 5...............7-18-11

Day 5

WEIGH-IN: 222.6

Today was a pretty good day. I didn't really do too much today. I picked up the house a little in the morning and then ran a few arrends around 3:00. My dad came over for lunch - I made him and Emily a salami sandwich with chips and I had a grilled chicken salad.

Emily and I went for a 2.5 mile walk. We were both very tired when we got home. I'm struggling to deal with my back pain as it is getting worse. In the back of my mind I know that I need to just relax for a few days, but at the same time I feel like I won't make the progress that I would like. I can't wait to have insurance again so I can finally go to the specialist! I'm sure they will be able to help me out...well I hope so anyways!

I'm still struggling to eat all my calories. I planned on eating 1,600 calories today, but as of right now I have only eatin about 900 calories. I'm going to eat some almonds which are 170 calories and maybe have another cool-whip cone which is 80 calories. That will put me at a total of about 1,120.
I gotta get rid of that double chin!!! eeww!!!

My Food Consumption - 1700 Calories
*Special K bar    90 Cal
*8 oz Gatorade    20 Cal
*salad    20 Cal
*1/2 cup chicken    90 Cal
*1 tbsp bacon dressing    55 Cal
*peach yogurt    140 Cal
*8 oz Gatorade    20 Cal
*1 peach    38 Cal
*1 whole wheat tortilla    71 Cal
*1/4 cup mozz cheese 80 Cal
*1 oz chicken    30 Cal
*1/4 cup onions    23 Cal
*1/4 cup red pepper    23 Cal
*1/4 cup mushrooms    11 Cal
*1 cup summer squash    36 Cal
*1 cheese triangle    30 Cal
*20 ChipIns    120 Cal
*1/4 cup almonds    170 Cal
*1 cup watermelon    46 Cal
*1 cone    15 Cal
*5 tbsp lite cool whip    50 Cal
*4 strawberries    18 Cal            
     TOTAL:           1,196  

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Day 4...............7-17-11

Day 4

WEIGH-IN: 222.8

Good Morning Everyone!

Having a weight loss of 4.4 pounds in 4 days feels good! Although I'm sure a lot of it was water, but it's still gone! I hope to never, EVER see those numbers again. There is no turning back....I can't wait for the day to come when I no longer have to say I weigh 2-something...

This morning has been a little rough for me as far as pain goes. I've been trying to ignore my back, but apparently you can't ignore osteoarthritis! I feel like my back is going to be a huge road block as far as exercising. I've decided to take a break from the gym today. I'm ok with that because I know I will get some exercise when I go for a walk at the Ashley Resevoir today with my sister and her family. I will put some heat on my back tonight and maybe a hot bath and hope that it will help ease the pain a little.

I started my day a little late today because I didn't get up until 11:00. I didn't get home and go to sleep until about 3:00. A friend of mine had some car issues, so I stayed with her until it was all taken care of. I just finished breakfast (scrambled egg whites with red pepper and onion) and am ready to shower and get ready for the day :)


Ashley Resevoir was beautiful! We walked about 3.5 miles which took us all the way around and back to where we started. I felt great and kept a steady pace for the most part.

After going to the Resevoir I went to Costco with my sister, brother-in-law and nephew. It wasn't too challenging there. I got a few things I needed and found some chips there that we were able to sample. They are all natural, whole grain popcorn chips with only 120 Calories, 2.5 grams of fat, 1 gram of fiber and 2 grams of protein - a serving is 20 chips. So, I was super excited about that...I actually bought 2 bags because they aren't sold in many stores around here yet.
Then.......I went to PriceRite with my sister....that on the other hand was a bit more challenging! I went down the aisle with chips and cookies and was like ohhhh heaven!!! I'm glad I was with my sister though, because if I had so much as even thought about putting something in my cart she would have stopped me. I feel like I may have had less self control if my sister wasn't there. I told my sister that normally I would have had atleast 10 things from the aisle in my cart.

Today was a busy day, but now that I am home and finally able to sit and relax....I have some emotions and feelings I'm trying to deal with and am not sure how. I was recently dating someone, nothing too serious, but was still something. Well, all of a sudden I stopped hearing from him and he refuses to answer any of my calls or even respond to my text messages. I just feel like I deserve an explanation. I didn't do anything wrong - makes me realize why it is so much easier to stay single. I think my reason for being hurt, angry and sad are because I don't know why things were so sudden or why I'm being ignored. I'm just not sure how to deal with emotions anyways. I've been keeping myself busy and not resorting to eating to ease the pain. I don't feel a huge urge to eat, which is a good thing! I believe I'm strong enough to make it's just how I do it!

My Food Consumption - 1700 Calories
*1 cup egg whites    66 Cal
*1 turkey sausage link    60 Cal
*3 tbsp onion and red pepper    30 Cal
*1 banana    105 Cal
*Caesar salad    220 Cal
*10 strawberries    30 Cal
*1 cup celery    20 Cal
*1 tbsp peanut butter    95 Cal
*1 plum 30 Cal
*1/8 cup almonds    85 Cal
*1 cup watermelon    50 Cal
*1 whole wheat tortilla    71 Cal
*2 tbsp salsa    10 Cal
*2 tbsp peppers and onions 20 Cal
*1/4 cup mozz cheese    80 Cal
*1/8 cup chicken    45 Cal
*20 chipins    120 Cal
*1 cone    15 Cal
*5 tbsp lite cool whip    50 Cal
*4 strawberries    12 Cal               
TOTAL: 1,214  

Open-faced quesadilla - 225 calories and oohh soo good!!
Cool Whip and Strawberries Cone - 80 Cal....amazingly good!!!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 3...............7-16-11

Day 3

WEIGH-IN: 223.6

Good Morning....well Afternoon actually :)

Yesterday I had changed my caloric intake to 1,800 calories, but I found that it seemed to be too much for me. I had to make myself eat just to consume the calories I needed, therefore I'm going to try a 1,700 caloric intake.....trial and error I guess you can say!!!

My alarm went off at 8:00 this morning and at first I was not willing to get out of bed! The sound was driving me bonkers! I can't reach my alarm clock from my bed, so I had to get up. Once I was up I began to get more motivated. I didn't have as much time to plan for breakfast as I would have liked, but I grabbed a yogurt and banana for the car ride to pick up Emily. After dropping her off to her dad I went to the gym for a shorter workout. My body, my back especially, is pretty sore. I'm going to be heading to the campground for the day and will plan and pack my food before I go. I plan to go for a walk with my family and go swimming with my nephew. Maybe we will even et in a little basketball :)

Tonight will be another challenging time for me! Some friends and I are going out to a bar/dance club. Right now my train of thought is....oohhh dancing = exercise!!! I totally love making a fool of myself and friends, so that part will be easy! The hard part will be the fact that I will probably be the ONLY person there drinking bottled...water! It's OK though! I know that it will all be worth it in the end! If I feel like at any point I can't handle it I will say goodnight to my friends and head home to bed :) They will all completely understand! OK I will keep you posted....


I had a great time again last night with a few friends! I stuck to my promise once again and did not drink....infact I think I was the only one at the bar who drank 3 bottles of water in an hour LOL. I don't regret it though. What am I missing out on? A hangover? I can be just as happy and enjoy myself without alcohol and I proved that the last two nights. My friends and I went to Fat Cats in Springfield and relaxed outside most of the time. I'm looking forward to doing it again sometime soon :)

My Workout - in order of completion:
*elliptical x 10 mins @ 1.5 miles
*abdominal crunches (various) x 200
*Adjustable pulley varied movements x 30 @ 10 lbs
*Low Row x 40 @ 55 lbs
*Cross/Long bar x30 @55 lbs
*Rope/upper back of arms x 30 @ 20 lbs
*Went swimming with my nephew
*Played basketball
*went dancing

My Food Consumption - 1700 Calories
*Yogurt    180 Cal
*Banana    105 Cal
*1 apple    90 cal
*3 cups romaine lettuce 15 Cal
*2 tbsp red pepper 6 Cal
*1/4 cup celery 5 Cal
*1/2 cup grilled chicken 90 Cal
*2 tbsp. bacon dressing 110 Cal
*1 cheese stick    50 Cal
*1 plum    30 Cal
*1 cup broccoli    30 Cal
*1 turkey patty 270 Cal
*1 tbsp Ketchup 10 Cal
*1/2 cup cottage cheese 90 Cal
*Side salad 10 Cal
*1 tbsp honey mustard 55 Cal
*1 deli flat - wheat 100 Cal
*1 cup summer squash    27 Cal
*1 oz whole grain crackers    140 Cal
*1 Yogurt    190 Cal
*1 Peach    40 Cal           
TOTAL:   1,653 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 2...............7-15-11

Day 2

WEIGH-IN: 224.4

Good Morning Everyone!

Other than my back being a little stiff and sore, I feel great! I had some trouble sleeping again last night, but I think I'll be ok :)

(4:30pm) Today has been a pretty good day so far! I went to the gym for about 2 hours, came home to get a few things done, and I'm going to be heading to a cook-out soon. Since changing my caloric intake to 1,800 I've noticed it's been a lot more difficult to eat all my calories. I have packed a lot of good, healthy choices for the party, but I feel like I may be eating too much! We will see how it goes. - maybe even decreasing my caloric intake to 1,700 will be better.

I have my first challenge tonight....I will be attending a cookout/birthday party. I've talked to the host ahead of time and made sure it was ok that I bring my own food. I have planned ahead and will prepare before I head to the party. Although there will be alcohol there, I have already made the decision to avoid it completely. I decided to have a yogurt and some almonds before going to the party because I am not sure what time we are eating. I will keep you posted as to how I do!


I got home a little late and was very tired, so I'm writing this on the morning after!
I had a great time last night! I got to see some people I hadn't seen in a while. I even played some basketball and Just Dance on the Wii. I brought my own food just as I had planned and didn't eat anything that was at the BBQ....although it DID look delicious!
I would have to say that the trickiest part of the party was watching almost everyone there drink or people asking me why I wasn't drinking. I was offered a drink a few times, but I knew that if I didn't keep the promise to myself I would be extremely disapointed which would make me very upset and therefore lead to me making unhealthy food choices because I felt bad. I played beer pong last night as well. It was Samara and I against Kristen and Steph. I agreed to play as long as I didn't have to drink any beer, so we ended up playing with water in the cups and the girls had their own drinks. It worked out well! I left that party last night and felt so good and so accomplished!!!!

My Workout - in order of completion:
*treadmill x 30 mins = 1.55 miles (burned 230 calories)
*abdominal crunch x 50 @ 30 lbs
*torso rotation x 30 each side @ 70 lbs
*Hip abduction (outside) x 50 @ 130 lbs
*Hip abduction (inside) x 50 @ 130 lbs
*Adjustable pulley varied movements x 30 @ 10 lbs
*Low Row x 40 @ 55 lbs
*Cross/Long bar x30 @55 lbs
*Rope/upper back of arms x 30 @ 20 lbs
*3 sets free weights varied movements x 10 @ 15 lbs    
*Stationary bike x 10 mins @ 3 miles (burned 75 calories)

My Food Consumption - 1800 Calories
*1 cup egg whites    66 cal
*1 turkey sausage link    60 cal
*3 tbsp onion    21 cal
*1/4 cup tomato    11 cal
*1 deli flat - wheat    100 cal
*1 apple    90 cal
*3 cups romaine lettuce 15 Cal
*2 tbsp red pepper 6 Cal
*1/4 cup celery 5 Cal
*1/2 tomato 7 Cal
*2 tbsp tortilla strips 35 Cal
*1/2 cup grilled chicken    90 Cal
*1 tbsp. bacon dressing 55 Cal
*Vanilla Yourt    190 Cal
*1 turkey patty 270 Cal
*1 tbsp Ketchup 10 Cal
*1/2 cup cottage cheese    90 Cal
*Side salad    10 Cal
*1 tbsp bacon dressing    55 Cal
*1 deli flat - wheat 100 Cal
*1 tomato    14 Cal
*2 oz. sweet potato crackers    280 Cal
*1/4 cup almonds    170 Cal
*9 strawberries    27 Cal
*1/2 cup watermelon 27 Cal
TOTAL:     1,804