Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Letter to Myself..........8-2-11

I got this creative idea from another weightloss post I have read that has inspired me. I'm going to take a few moments to be selfish and write a letter to myself. I think it will help me through my journey as I go along. I can look at it when I'm having a tough time. Here goes.....

Dear Kim,

Now is not the time to give up! You have not come this far to give up now - keep your head held high, because you ARE a strong woman dispite how you may feel right now! You have so much you want to accomplish, and what happened to those goals you have had for so long? Are you gonna let those goals just fly out the window sinply because you it a road block? You are on your way towards a great future! How many years have you spent treating your body as though it was a garbage disposal - is that what you want to go back to? If I know you as well as I think I do that answer is absolutely not! You are a stronger woman then you give yourself credit for - I know that you are not one to express how you are feeling, but now is the time to start. Think of it as part of your journey, your road to success! It's not just you anymore, think about Emily. She deserves this too. She loves you unconditionaly and wants the best for you. You are a wonderful mother who would give the world to your child if you could, why not feel the same about yourself? You have to love yourself before loving anyone else. Remember Emily's birthday party? Remember how strong you were?!?! You watched everyone else eat chips and dip, doritos, chips and salsa, cheese balls, crackers, cheeseburgers, potato salad, beans, cupcakes, and ice cream. What did you do? You planned ahead and brought healthy alternatives like a turkey burger and whole wheat bread. You ate a salad and stuck to snacking on vegatables. You didn't even think twice about trying to eat a cupcake. DO you realize just how amazing that is for a woman like you who was completely addicted to food more then anyone will ever know? If you don't I'm going to tell you now and read it over and over if you need to! YOU ARE AN AMAZING WOMAN!!!!! If you can't see that then let me try a different approach. What are the benefits to this amazing lifestyle change you are embarking on? Well first and foremost, you are extending your life. I know you want more than anything to see your daughter get married and create her own family and I know she wants you there too. Not only does Emily want you, she needs you Kim! If that isn't enough for you here is another benefit - living a life without diabetes. As you already know diabetes runs in your family. You've seen people struggle with diabetes before, is that what you want for yourself? I don't think so. Yet another benefit - CONFIDENCE....I know that has been a struggle for you most of your life. If I know you well enough, just seeing the word confidence will put that determination and drive right back into you. I could go on and on about the benefits living a healthy lifestyle will give you, but I'm going to leave you with one last thing. You are a woman who genuinely cares for others by nature, and one who struggles to often care for yourself, so.....by doing this for yourself think of the men and women you could inspire. There are people out there who struggle just like you do. How happy would it make you just to change even one persons life - not even changing, but maybe saving!!!! Isn't that something you have always inspired to do - help others?!?! You are accomplishing your goals right now, you can do this! I promise you that in the end, although it may be painful both physically and emotionally, you WILL come out on top. Think back to June of 2003, weighing it at 160, you felt on top of the world! Bring yourself back to that place. Close your eyes and remember how that felt......AMAZING right? You CAN get there! Remember, I love you and always will love you. YOU ARE AN AMAZING, SPECTACULAR, CREATIVE, and SPECIAL woman who deserves the best!

Love Always and Forever,
Kim <3

1 comment:

  1. Good idea Kim! You should have heard me giving myself a pep talk on the field today! Great inspirations!
