Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 28...............8-10-11

Day 28

Well I haven't been on much due to being so busy! School has now taken up a good chunk of my life, and it's only just begun! It's OK though - I know it won't be forever.

So, as you may have noticed I have been doing well for myself. I've just made it through my first month on my journey to a healthier life and have lost almost 12 lbs in a month. Although I've have moments that I am extremely proud of myself, overall I'm still not there yet. I know that I could have done better. My main goal I would like to work on this month is go create a set exercising schedule. I was going very well in the beginning, but recently having been doing so much. I was doing pretty well up until about a week ago. I started slowing down with my workouts and last Sunday everything came to a hault. I was coming out of my parents camper and as I stepped onto the deck (with flip-flops) I slipped and almost fell. Although I was able to catch myself, I twisted my back. Because of the pain factor I hadn't exercised for a few days. Yesterday Emily and I went for a walk that was about 1.5 miles and we also played the wii for a bit. I know my back will be a constant issue for me, so I need to find a way to work around that. My back hurts whether I work out or not, so I don't want to start using it as an excuse.

I have done very well as far as my eating goes. I'm beginning to learn how to listen to what my body is telling me. It's a process I'm still working on and will continue working on, but has definately gotten better. I think out of the 28 days I've been doing this I know of only 1 day that I maybe ate more than I should have even though it wasn't anything too unhealthy. It was more about portion control or lack there of!

I know that my weightloss will start to slow down, so I want to try to create ways to trick my body each week into thinking I'm starting a new "diet" I'm not quite sure how to do that. It may just be a matter of changing my workout routine. Any suggestions would be helpful. OK, off to workout with Jillian from Biggest Loser for the Wii :)

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